
Teaching your children values... are we doing it right?

Let's talk about kids.
There is no wrong or right way to raise your kids. If there were a specific way I'm sure 99.9% of us would most definitely fail. However, as parents we can all agree that our children need to be happy, healthy and loved. It varies, though, how parents keep their kids happy, healthy and loved. It takes a lot to raise children. Time, patience, tolerance and of course money. Money though, where should parents draw the line when it comes to the financial side of nurturing your children? Obviously children have necessities that require you to spend money on them but how do you differentiate the needs and the wants. If you have children I know you're familiar with the "I want, I want, I want". It seems you can't take your kids to the store without buying something they want or turning on their favorite cartoon without them seeing a commercial for a toy they just can't live without, but for you where do you put your foot down? Do you leave the grocery store with the name brand box of cereal that costed $3 more than the generic brand you usually buy just to avoid the tantrum that would result in not letting your child have the cereal with the cheap-o toy in it? I've been there, I've caved..... and I also haven't. I don't believe in giving your kids everything they want. I strongly stand behind telling your kids "no" because life isn't going to hand your kids their every desire on a silver platter and as their parents I believe it's your job to teach them that.
That brings me to another tough life lesson I think children should be taught early on. Life is not fair and you have to work for what you want.
In my household, sharing a toy, snack or anything that one child may have that the other does not is completely optional and up to my children. My husband and I agree that it teaches a horrible lesson. Granted "sharing is caring" but sharing also teaches your kids that they should be entitled to everything everyone else has. Which is great, but we all know life doesn't work that way. Once the lovely life of being an adolescent is over our children will have to work and earn the things they want.
That brings me back to buying your kids everything they ask for. I'm not saying you can't treat your kids or spoil them every now and then, but don't be THAT parent. You know, the parent that doesn't "believe" in saying "no" to their children. I'm sorry, but all you're doing is creating a spoiled rotten, ungrateful brat. People who think they are entitled to everything without putting an ounce of effort into obtaining it is about one of my biggest pet peeves.  
I want all of our children to understand the value of a dollar and that you don't just happen upon money, but you have to work hard, put in effort and sometimes have to put others before something you want before you can have what you desire. I want all of my children to appreciate what we do for them and be grateful for what they have. 
Teach your children the value of things, not only the dollar amount but the effort required to achieve it. Teach your kids that just because someone has something they want doesn't mean they are entitled to it. Teach your children the sacrifices you make to give them what they have. Teach your children to appreciate you and the objects in their life. Teach them to be a grateful person.
You will truly be rewarded with something priceless when your children grow to be self sufficient, responsible adults because of the decisions you made. 

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