
Wait, What? Whole Wheat Waffles!

I am really behind on my blogging. It has been hectic, I have a teething, almost 9 month old and I can barely get to my computer long enough to type two sentences. Ha!

Anyway, at least one day every weekend I like to make something for breakfast. It breaks up the monotony of eating cereal all week long. I decided to experiment with some ingredients to make waffles one morning and they turned out amazing!!! Here is the recipe!

Wheat Waffles
serves 5-6
prep time 10 min
cooking time 10 min

2 cups whole wheat flour
2 1/2 tbsp pure, raw honey
4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp sea salt
2 eggs
1 3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup coconut oil (as liquid)
1 tsp pure vanilla extract

Combine the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix well.
Add the wet ingredients and whisk together until the mixture is smooth.
Spray your hot waffle iron, lightly, with cooking spray.
Pour on to your waffle iron.
Follow the cooking times specified for your waffle iron.
Serve warm with your choice of toppings.

Some of our favorites are:
Honey Butter
Maple Syrup and Butter

Hope you love them!