
You know you've reached the toddler stage when...

It's all sleeping, cuddles and sweet little coos..... until they become a toddler. At that point some parents regret saying I can't wait for you to walk, talk...etc.
Here are a few signs you have entered the "oh so joyous" toddler stage in your child's life.

Cheerios.... everywhere.
How is it that you can give your child a handful of cheerios on their highchair tray and end up finding them in your bed, under the couch, in the toilet, in your purse...... should I keep going?

Hand prints.
Not just hand prints, but you will find crusty, greasy, randomly colored hand prints on every surface at your knee level.

Diapers... with a missing child.
Your heart will sink. Your stomach will turn. You will start frantically searching for your child, once located you will then tear your house apart searching every corner and small place your child can fit to ensure they didn't leave a present with their diaper lacking little ass.

You will pick up every single toy they own, 5 times a day for over a year. If you lose a toy... you can guarantee that will be the one they want.... the only one they want.

Suddenly every thing belongs to them.
If you have it, they want it. Everything from the food you're eating to the cell phone in your hand, it is theirs and they want it.... relentlessly.

All of your stuff is MIA.
If they can get a hold of it you can guarantee that they will take it. See above. This is a good time to start getting in the habit of putting the toilet seat down. Just sayin'.

Take something away. Tantrum.
Give them something they don't want. Tantrum.
Put them down/pick them up. Tantrum.
Leave/enter the room. Tantrum.
Change their diaper. Tantrum.
Look at them. Tantrum.

Escape artists.
No matter how hard you try to keep them in one spot, they manage to find a way out. They fit in the oddest places. Did I mention they also throw a tantrum when they get stuck?

Today's word is No. And tomorrow's and the day after that's.... everything is no. This tends to also happen with the word "mine".

If they can, they will.
There is nothing more important at this point than child proofing everything. If they can get into it, they will and they will pull everything out that they can.

Say no to naps.
Everything in their world is so interesting. If they nap, they may miss something. Fighting sleep is in their job description. Good luck getting anything done.

Monkey see, monkey do.
Now is the time to watch what you say and do. They will listen and repeat you. They will watch you and do what you do. Don't say or do anything in front of them that you wouldn't say or do in front of a huge crowd of people. You'll regret it.

They are the biggest helpers.
Not. Forget folding laundry. Steal the folded towel and run is the funnest game ever. Loading the dishwasher takes more effort than just washing the dishes by hand. It consists of placing your child on the opposite side of the room and running back to the dishwasher to load a few dishes before they are back crawling into it.

They want it and they want it now.
If you don't have Netflix or a DVR... you need to. There is nothing like the meltdown that results from the show they want to watch not being on at. that. very. moment.

Last but certainly not least...

If they get a boo-boo.
They will want their mommy and all her hugs and kisses. They may make your life hell, but they are just testing their independence. Enjoy these years, they don't last long but once they are gone make sure you look back and laugh at all the moments that made you want to pull your hair out.


Crayon Lipstick... Who Knew!?

Lately I've seen shares and pins about a nifty trick you can do with crayons. I decided why not, who knew you could mix two simple things to make something that normally you would spend at least five dollars on. I'm talkin' lipstick. 
Yes, lipstick... and yes, I mentioned crayons above.

I'm not going to lie, I don't know how the quality of a homemade alternative measures up to the high end brands of lipstick available because I'm more of a 'chapstick with no color' type of gal. However, if you're not a big lipstick user and you want something funky, fun and inexpensive to try out, you are in the right place.

My step-daughter and I had a blast doing this together. She was absolutely thrilled when I told her that we would be making homemade lipstick. This is a great project for younger girls (with adult assistance). It is an inexpensive way to let your daughters experiment with make up and it costs you hardly anything. I stock pile coconut oil and we have an endless supply of crayons, so this was a no-brainer! Also it is great for your lips, coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer!

Let's cover some basics first. Crayons are made with paraffin wax and non-toxic color pigments.
In other words, you, your children and anyone else interested in trying this out are safe, even if you ate a spoonful (which I wouldn't recommend) you would probably live to see another day. 
If you need further proof there are many, MANY, resources on the Web that you can utilize just to be sure.

Aside from an assortment of your favorite hues of crayons, you're going to need coconut oil, popsicle sticks, small glass dishes, a '1 teaspoon' measuring spoon, paper towels or an old dish towel, a shallow frying pan and some sort of container to put your finished product in.
I found that old Scentsy wax containers or weekly pill organizers work well. You can also purchase the appropriate containers at beauty supply stores or craft stores.

To get started, you will want to fill your shallow frying pan with about an inch of water and place it on the stove over low heat, put your small glass dishes inside of it to create a double boiler.
Use your measuring spoon to measure 1 teaspoon of coconut oil into your glass dishes and let it melt. While it is melting choose your colors and peel the paper off the crayon. Break the crayon so you have a portion that is about 2/3 of the entire crayon.

Once the coconut oil is melted, place your 2/3 section of crayon in the glass dish with the coconut oil, using the popsicle stick gently stir together the crayon and oil until it is fully melted.

Carefully remove your glass dishes from the double boiler and let them cool for about 30 seconds before pouring them into the container.

Once you have your lipstick poured, you need to use paper towels or an old dish cloth to wipe out the excess lipstick from your glass container so you can use it to make another color. 
Your lipstick will take about 20 minutes to fully cool and set up into a more solid state, if you want to speed this process up you can carefully place the container in the freezer.

Get creative; try crazy colors, mix colors and have fun!



Hunny Dos Husbands Do That Are Taken For Granted

There are those few tasks that our husbands do that we don't really think too much about. I found myself thinking about all of the things that my husband does that makes my life easier and it occurred to me how much it would suck if I didn't have him around to do those things. Here's why.

Taking Out The Trash
I do this every now and then but he mostly does this. It doesn't really bug me to take out the trash but I'll happily avoid hauling stinky trash out to the dumpster especially in cold weather if he's willing to.

Changing Light Bulbs
This is a pain in the ass, especially if your short. I'm glad he does this because I would probably break the light cover by dropping it.

Cleaning Ceiling Fans
While we are talking about daunting task that involve having your arms above your head, I hate cleaning ceiling fan blades. It's just not something I particularly enjoy doing. Plus the dust is a pain to get off.

Shampooing Carpets
I love having clean carpets. If I could, I would just not have carpets but as long as I'm not the one who has to fill the water tank, slowly work my way across the floor foot by foot and dump gross, brown water down the drain; having to deal with carpet really isn't all that bad.... I guess.

Cleaning the Dryer Vent Hose
Basically, the dryer is large and heavy. Plus, hauling the shop vac downstairs and then having to reattach the dryer hose after cleaning it. Count me out.

Moving Furniture
Well, this is simple. I help him but I definitely couldn't do this myself. This is probably a pain for him because I'm indecisive and change my mind at least two times before the furniture is where I want it.

Picking Up Dog Poop

Mowing the Lawn
I have allergies. I would be miserable for days if I were to go out and mow the lawn.

Changing the Oil in the Vehicles
Now, I could if I had to but I'd much rather him do it. Plus, I'm sure that crawling under a vehicle and getting greasy does something for his testosterone. It's a guy thing.

Cooking Dinner
This is usually my domain but every now and then he offers to cook. It might not be a five course, restaurant chef inspired meal but if it means I don't have to cook, I will sure as hell enjoy it like it is.

Going to Work
I'm not saying my job is any more or any less stressful, demanding and tiring as his, however he brings home the bacon, He is what makes this family stay afloat. I just take the pressure off at home for him. And I get to be my own boss.

Cleaning Under the Stove and Refrigerator
Once again. It's easier for him to move these things, with his big strong arms and all! With all of the upkeep and daily cleaning tasks I already do, these bi-yearly tasks don't much appeal to me.

Killing Spiders
Ok, go ahead and laugh. Yes, I squirm like a worm when I see a creepy crawly. My husband is no more of a fan of the eight legged freak than I am but he's my hero because despite his hatred for spiders he always shows up with a shoe and paper towel.

I mention this because I would clean toilets over doing dishes; even with the snazzy new dishwasher I have. It's just one of those things that I really should appreciate more because he does it because he knows I don't enjoy it.

Rubbing my Back
Let me say that it is far and few between when it comes to talking my guy out of a back rub, but when I can convince him it sure does feel good. I really shouldn't take them for granted because I can't chance that they will get more sporadic.

Organizing Clutter
Everyone has it. It's usually on a desk or a counter. You know, that lovely collection of mail, shit the school sends home, and random items that belong elsewhere in your house that have some how ended up in your catch all spot. That is my kitchen counter. It drives me absolutely bat shit to see it. Even more to have to go through it. That's why I am glad my husband takes on the task of sorting through the piles of nonsense.

Fixing Things
From installing a new garbage disposal to "my keurig won't work again!!", to cleaning out the disgusting collection of loogies and matted hair from the drains. I should have no reason to complain because he always manages to get this done!

I know there are times when I am in that mood and it seems like my husband doesn't do much to help me out around the house. I'm clearly wrong. I clearly need to take a step back and realize how much he does and how grateful I am that I don't have to do it!

What are some things your husband or significant other does that makes your life easier! 
Comment Below!


You're Doing Just Fine

In today's society there are so many different paths to take when it comes to choosing how to parent. You have breastfeeders to bottle feeders, vaccers and anti-vaccers, non organic and organic, attachment parenting to traditional parenting .... the list can go on forever. When you really think about it the pressure is on, at least for me. I think 'am I really doing the right thing' on a daily basis.
I see articles daily on why vaccines are harming your kids and I wonder 'should I have chose not to vaccinate?'
I have a lazy day and feed my kids Spaghetti-os out of a can instead of cooking a healthy meal, 'did I just take a year off of their life?'
I raised my voice, 'did I cause years of unforseen emotional damage?'
Something occurs to me daily and reminds me that the choices I have made will effect my child's life for as long as they live.
When you really think about it. It's stressful.
You see other moms (or dads) and you question yourself or wonder why you can't be more like them. You become your own worst critic and you look into those little eyes and wonder if you're giving them your best.
Take a deep breath.
I'm here to tell you that you are doing just fine.
There are no rights or wrongs in parenting. You do what you feel is best for you child(ren) and that's really all that matters. You can research statistics and read about other parents experiences until your eyes bleed but nothing will be better for your children than what your gut tells you is right.
Don't feel the need to compete for the sake of keeping up with the Jones'. Don't follow the trends just because that's what everyone is doing. Don't feel bad when you don't always give 100% of your effort to your kids. They have a parent who loves them and that's truly all that they need.
Don't worry about it if every now and then you treat them with a happy meal instead of a wholesome dinner. Don't criticize yourself for losing your shit in front of your kids when you have had all you can take.
You are the best parent you can be, regardless of how you choose to do it and that's something you should be proud of.


Christmas Handprint Tree on Canvas

It's crunch time.
Thanksgiving has came and passed and now it's time for all things Christmas. I have garland and wreaths, lights and ornaments but nothing makes the holiday special like a personalized creation made by none other than your children that gets to be displayed all month long. I compiled a few Pinterest project ideas and came up with my own. With five kids this was the perfect project!

I bought a decent sized canvas at my local craft store (Joann's)
I have a whole bunch of acrylic craft paint so I used that. If you don't have that on hand, you can always find it at your local craft store as well as Walmart.
I also have an assortment of paint brushes on hand. 
I started by painting the background with blue, silver, white and sparkling blue craft paint. I made it look like a night sky with snow on the ground. Fairly simple. 
If you aren't as artistically inclined as I am, don't sweat it. It's will still look great!
Next you need to paint a brown stump.
It worked out really well with my five kids.
My oldest did the first layer of the Christmas Tree with 5 hand prints. I just used a paint brush and painted his hand and guided him as to where to put his hands on the canvas. Make sure the fingers are pointed down.
The second layer of four hand prints belong to my step-daughter, same process. Three hand prints; my step-son, Two hand prints; my youngest step-daughter, and then one right on top, which belongs to my 13 month old. 
If you don't have 5 kids to work with you can still do this project, no problem. Just keep with the pattern of 5 hand prints on the bottom and work your way up to 1 hand print on top and don't forget to point the fingertips down.
I used a round sponge brush for the ornaments, but you can always have the kids use their finger prints.
I painted little gold squares on top of each ornament to make them look realistic. 
I painted a gold star on top, of course, and made it look shiny with a few simple lines coming off of the points. 
I also painted each of my kids' names on the layer of hand prints that belongs to them.
Lastly, with silver paint I put a few twinkle stars in the night sky and did my best to paint Merry Christmas with a little holly leaf and berries on the bottom. 
You don't have to follow my design to a T. It is merely for inspiration.
Get creative! Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the moment with your children.
You will have a Christmas decoration to treasure forever that comes with a great story!

Below I have compiled a general list of items you may need to complete this project.

large white canvas
assorted sizes of paint brushes
acrylic craft paint:
blue, white, silver, sparkling blue (paint with glitter works too), green, gold, yellow, orange, purple, red, teal, brown
little hands :)